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Thrive: The Podcast for Content Creators

Jul 30, 2020

Lexy of The Proper Blog joins us for a conversation about diversifying your revenue and growing your blog in ways you might not have thought about! She also shares a "big step" she took in leveling up her blog, and if she had to start her blog over today what she'd do differently. 

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Jul 16, 2020

Today we chat with Natasha at Sol Studio Marketing, she's a social media storyteller, strategist, and educator. Natasha shares everything you need to know to master Instagram. Today we talk about consistency, confidence, growth, and content strategy! Tune in to take your Instagram game to the next level. 


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Jul 9, 2020

Did you guys know that back in 2019 our website crashed? We spent over 3 hours on the phone or chat with our old host, trying to fix the problem, that should've been an easy fix... and our site had no hope. Someone told us to call SiteGround. We did, and in less than 24 hours they had migrated our website from our old...

Jul 2, 2020

You're leaving money on the table if you're not working with local brands! Listen in to learn how to pick up that money, and do it strategically so you grow your audience at the same time. No matter what your niche, every blogger can work with local brands. 


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